We aim to prove that diverse minority communities can invest their skills, talents, and money to be the change they want to see in their neighborhoods.

Supporting education and innovation.


We design, develop, and implement a mix of innovative programming that spans sectors, but seeks to benefit people and protect the planet. Our programming includes everything from The Incubation Network, where we’re focused on Financial Technology, where we aim to accelerate gender and racial equality representation in the tech industry, to addressing the unbanked/underbanked segment of society with options, where we foster solutions to address real-world problems

Education for Entrepreneurs

We teach entrepreneurs through our small business fellowship and workshops, making sure to focus on the whole entrepreneur all while building real community.


Support for Communities

We cultivate an inclusive, diverse environment to support local businesses and leaders in neighborhoods who need access to finance.


Capital & Access

Using crowdfunding, we invest alongside our community in the businesses that we work with. With crowdfunding, neighbors invest in their community and their local businesses.


The Fund’s vision is to build a world with sustainable prosperity for everything, everyone, everywhere.



Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(202) 570-4075